Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I think life over here has started to become somewhat ordinary. The things that seemed new and different my first couple weeks here have turned into the usual Monday through Sunday routine. I do apologize if anyone has been waiting to read a new blog post. Really wishing I could be with my family this week in Maryland for Thanksgiving, it would be awesome to see everyone and watch the Ravens vs 49ers (easily one of the most exciting thanksgiving games played in reacent years.) All the NFL games I remember from Thanksgivings in the past were games that I did not care about, like the Cowboys.
Since the last post on this blog, there have been a few things that stick out in my mind that you might find interesting on funny.
First, and also probably most important, the other day I was running on the treadmill at the gym and I noticed something very strange on the TV. They have four large flat screens hanging from the ceiling, normally playing popular music videos, the news or sports but for some reason TV 3 was a movie. I honestly laughed out loud when I realized the gym was playing Free Willy 2. It was this strange scene where Randolph and Jesse are in the middle of a forest doing something with a special plant near a waterfall. While the mom and dad are with the brother Elvis trying to get a giant whale into the ocean. The movie its self is funny, but I think I was laughing more at the fact that no one has ever watched it since it came out in 1995, but now its almost 2012 and they are playing it in a gym. Also pondering whether or not it was getting anyone pumped up to work out.
Second, a man from church was giving me a ride the other night and his 4 year old son was sitting in the back seat. During the drive his son interrupted our conversation to ask where my home was. I told him my home was in the United States. Then he asked his dad how far away that was, his dad said many hours and we got back to our conversation. In the background though I swear for the next 5 minutes there was this type of crying or whimpering noise. The dad finally asked him what was wrong. The son replied “I just want to go to bed; I don’t want to drive to the United States.”
Haha last Wednesday at “moms and toddlers” there was a boy who was going around and hitting all the other babies on the head. It was really annoying because he wasn’t hitting them very hard, kid can barely walk, but they would scream and cry so loud. So his mom kept picking him up and making him sit by her, but once she would get talking he would sneak off and hit someone else. Very frustrating, and it doesn’t make sense because none of the other kids ever hit anyone. Now the next bit of information I am going to tell you may or may not be directly related. Haha yesterday his mom mentioned she was tired because they had a long weekend traveling to watch her older son who fights MMA. Maybe little brother has been spending too much time with big brother.
She did say two things that raised some questions in my mind though. First, she mentioned she was really mad that the guy her son was fighting hit him in the head twice. She proceeded to say her son was epileptic, and it not supposed to have stuff hit his head. (Question 1: if he is epileptic, why doesn’t he find a different hobby instead of fighting people and asking them not to hit his head?) She also said that the guy he fought was from the UFC. (Question 2: why would anyone from the UFC come to a night club in the middle of no where England to fight an epileptic person who has just got into the sport?) I didn’t ask her these questions…
Ever felt like your head was going to explode? I think mine came close to doing it today at church with the toddlers. As if Wednesday mornings with them wasn’t already the pure definition of chaos, we decided to have a guy from the church come in and take pictures. He set up his equipment in the gym, and we had the moms sign up on a sheet so we knew what order to send them in. The plan sounded like it would work, but the children were the X factor. I was designated to sit at the lap top and show the moms the pictures after their child was done, so they could decide which ones they wanted to purchase. I don’t like computers to begin with, but it was so crazy today. It was obviously much faster to snap 20 photos of a child than it was to show them to a mom and have her fill out the paper work for which ones she wanted and what size she wanted them in while also keeping an eye on her kid. So my line was getting backed up, and the moms waiting seemed to be getting annoyed, some people just take forever to do simple things. One lady kept asking “can you just go through them all one more time.” The terror of the whole ordeal climaxed when I was showing a mom her daughter’s pictures, and her daughter kept coughing on my arm. I couldn’t move it because it was outstretched to click the mouse and the table was too small to move away. Then I felt something wet on my arm, I looked and saw that she was wiping an apple that had been chewing on down my fore arm.
Funniest part of the day had to have been when one little boy ran full speed into the back drop and knocked down the whole display. At first I thought the metal bar holding it up had fallen on his head, but once I realized that it missed his head and he was alright it was definitely funnier. None of the parents or the guy taking pictures laughed.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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