Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adventure Thursday

Today was a long day to say the least. ( I apologize for miss spelled words ahead of time, I am in an internet cafe and the keyboard is different from American ones)Woke up around 6 to meet the team at the center for a short meeting before the kids showed up. Then we loaded up the vans for 2 hour van ride to a cave none of the leaders had ever been too. My van was all boys, and they hooked up their mp3 player to the radio and blasted music I could not understand. I am pretty sure the volume was as loud as it could go. That I could handle though. It was about a hour in when the boy next to me threw up in a plastic bag, the driver did not stop because our van was in the back of the line, so he held it between his legs. Due to the fact that Bosnians are afriad of cross breezes, only one window in the van was open, and it was the drivers side. I happened to be in the back seat on the passengers side. To make things even better he proceeded to talk to me, about a inch away from my face for the rest of the ride. If I had a pack of gum with me, I would have let him eat the whole pack. We did eventually make it to the cave though, and it was really awesome. I had never been in a cave like that, we walked about a quarter of a mile into it, it was verz cold inside. Looked like something out of a movie. After the cave we had lunch, the team brought hot dogs with them, I am not sure what they were made out of but I ate one. It was the first one I have had since being here, normally when I ask people what they are made out of and they answer "I dont know", I proceed to order something else. But it was the only option and I was starving.
On the way home we decided to stop at the second largest waterfall in Europe, it was beautiful, but there is a reason not many people go to see it. The van ride up the mountain was extremely difficult. We kept getting stuck, and then once we finally got to the place where you park, it was about a hour hike into the woods. The path was super skinny, slippery/muddy, and steep. But walking down it to the waterfall was nothing compared to the walk back up the hill. I am glad none of the kids are quitters, haha because I am not sure how we would have got them out. By the time we made it back to the van everyone was sweaty, whats funny is that the boy who sat in front of me on the ride forgot to leave his sweatshirt in the van and wore it instead of carrying it. So he was extra extra sweaty. Try to guess what it smelled like in our van on the long ride home. We were supposed to get back around 5 pm to give everyone time to clean up before the last night of adventure camp, but the hike to the waterfall took way longer than anyone could have guessed. Back at the center we had pizza since it was the last night, and showed a slideshow of all the pictures taken during the 4 weeks. It went by really fast. English camp starts Monday though, when that is over we are going to try to take the kids kazaking.

1 comment:

  1. I love all their superstitions.. the ice cream, being afraid of cross breezes ...

    but it is good to see no matter where in the world you are, camp kids still throw up in crowded vans =]

